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 Network Magic Pro 5.1.8354.0 w/CURE

Shko poshtė 

Numri i postimeve : 58
Poenat Nga Postimi : 117600
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Registration date : 16/05/2009

Network Magic Pro 5.1.8354.0 w/CURE Empty
MesazhTitulli: Network Magic Pro 5.1.8354.0 w/CURE   Network Magic Pro 5.1.8354.0 w/CURE EmptySat May 16, 2009 6:31 pm

With Network Magic Pro , you can skip the tech support phone calls, online forums and expensive on-site consultants. Network Magic Pro provides do-it-yourself tools to help you set up, manage and secure your network like an IT professional.

No activation nag full functionality:

1. Install the program.

2. Let it run all the way up until it offers the 7 day trial.

3. Next, setup all your options, Privacy etc so this thing doesn't bother you.

4. Exit the program and hit CTRL + ALT + DEL --> Go into Task Manager.

5. End any process that starts with nm*, these are Network Magic services running in the background.

6. Then copy the patch to the installed directory, and patch it.

It will no longer bother you.


http://rapidshare.com/files/200700013/Network_Magic_Pro_5.1.8354.0_www.afwarez.com.rarNo password. Enjoy!
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
Network Magic Pro 5.1.8354.0 w/CURE
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